- Italian version created with the participation of Massimo Dinatale a.k.a. "Il-Dottore" and Luigi Monticelli.
- website template by Free HTML5 Templates
- .Net sound library CSCore
- Heaton Research Encog Machine learning system
- Mathias Djäv AC Shared Memory
- Icons made by Freepik at Flaticon
- SharpDX : Copyright (c) 2010-2012 SharpDX - Alexandre Mutel
- click count powered by CCount PHP Click Counter
Co-driver team
- Luigi Monticelli has been a real rally co-driver at a good level for 15 years. Design and beta test.
- David, a.k.a. iamDavid. Beta test.
- Patrick Brunner, a.k.a. caKus. Software development.